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How does find the best matching candidates for your job?
How does find the best matching candidates for your job? uses profiles from a variety of platforms, enriches profile information and has a unique matching algorithm to match candidates.

Updated over a week ago is an AI talent search engine that matches talent to your job.

It does so by finding the best profiles across a variety of platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub and Stack Overflow. is used by recruiters in any industry and from all over the world. searches real-time for you, and therefore it always gets the most up-to-date information about the matching candidates.

Here’s how it works

  1. You create your search in RecruitGPT by simply including your job description or by writing out who you're looking for. automatically recognizes the job title, most important keywords and includes all relevant synonyms

  2. Based on your search, automatically searches platforms like LinkedIn and other platforms to find the best matching profiles

  3. Every profile that is found is enriched with public data related to that profile, like public information from candidates on their latest work published online

You can see as an automated way of the work that a highly trained sourcer would do manually: X-raying search engines, screening profiles for matches based on the job requirements, putting the best profiles in a spreadsheet and further researching candidates by going to accounts they have on other platforms. But the difference is that does it all for you automatically and provides you with an easy to use overview of matches.

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