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How do the position slots work for Uwi (AI Recruiter)
How do the position slots work for Uwi (AI Recruiter)

This is how you can work with Uwi and how position slots work

Updated over 10 months ago

One position is one role that Uwi recruits for. If you run a position for a front-end developer for example, that would be one position used out of your monthly credit.

The position slots reset monthly. For example if have the Pro plan which allows for 10 new positions per month, every month you can have Uwi recruit for 10 new positions and the next month you will have another 10 new positions. In this example you can let Uwi recruit for a sales manager, developer, a support agent and seven other roles in one given month. The next month you can have Uwi recruit for 10 completely new roles. Your previous positions will always stay visible for you.

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