Using Templates
Templates can be used to make your outreach efforts a lot more time efficient. With a Template you can create a message once and use it for many different outreach messages to multiple candidates. automatically generates a personalized outreach message based on your Template and the candidate's data.
Step 1: Create Template
First off, go to the left navigation bar and click on Templates.
Here you can create your own personalized template that can be used to automatically generate a personalized message for every candidate that you send an outreach message to. The Template can be used to message individual candidates from Search or in Engage in an automated outreach sequence.
Click Templates:
The create a new Template:
Tip: Use on of the available default templates in your account. Also don't forget to include your signature.
Step 2: adding the Template to your Engage flow
To add your Templates to Engage click on Engage, and create a new flow, like this:
Ensure the flow is 'active' and you're all set!